Shipwrecked–Acts 27

Shipwrecked--Acts 27


This presentation is an example of using your sanctified imagination to understand the Bible. Sanctified imagination is a technique that can be used for both devotions and in-depth Bible study. Sanctified imagination is to prayerfully imagine the events that you are reading in the scriptures. Remember, it is not making up imaginary stories that replace the Biblical account. When using this technique, you should try to stay as close to the information in the Bible as you can while filling in missing details with historical research and your own personal knowledge. It is okay to be inaccurate because you lack key pieces of knowledge or the wrong personal experiences. As you learn more, your imagined picture will change. It is not acceptable, however, to change details of the Biblical narrative on a whim. That is not a Bible study technique. That is writing fiction.

If you are using this method for your devotions, your research might be as simple as doing a quick search on the Internet for something that you are unclear about. You are simply trying to get a quick sketch of the events you are reading about. On the other hand, in-depth Bible study might require that you find details from multiple sources in order to be as accurate as possible. This presentation is an example of the results of in-depth Bible study. I used my sanctified imagination in conjunction with historical research and Bible study in order to have a clearer understanding of a passage of scripture. The non-Biblical historical details that I included were taken from multiple sources. I also compared multiple Bible texts to gain a fuller understanding of the events surrounding Acts 27.

Click on the video below to see an example of using sanctified imagination.
