Praying the Psalms–Psalm 108:1-2

Praying the Psalms--Psalm 108:1-2


Psalm 108:1

Modern King James Version (MKJ):  A song, A Psalm of David.  O God my heart is fixed;I will sing and I will give praise, even with my glory.

International Standard Version (ISV): My heart is firm, God; I will sing and praise you with my whole being.

Psalm 108:2

(MKJ) Awake, harp and lyre; I will awake early.

(ISV) Awake, harp and lyre! I will wake up at dawn.

Directions:  Choose a translation of the Bible that you easily understand, but that has depth of meaning.  I recommend that you keep a special journal just for praying the Psalms.  Try praying the Psalms for yourself before reading my version of these verses.  The point of this method is for the Spirit to speak with your heart and that you will commune with God about how your own experience relates to His word.  I only include my sample to help you understand what I mean in the steps and because it is always good for Christians to share their thoughts about God and experiences with Him.

Step 1:  Choose a verse or two from one of the Psalms and write it out in a notebook. 

Step 2: After reading a thought from the verse, begin writing your own version of that thought.  This is not exactly paraphrasing the Psalmist’s words although you can paraphrase if you wish.  This is taking the thought and applying to your own life and changing the words to fit your own experience.  Continue writing about your experience with God until you no longer have anything more to say.

Step 3:  Go to the next thought in the verse and repeat Step 2. 

Step 4:  Continue this process until you feel satisfied that you are finished or until the verse’s thoughts are finished.

My version (verses 1 and 2): 

My heart is Yours and no one else’s, my Father.  That will not change.  I will praise You and sing praises to You.  My voice will tell of Your greatness.  Everything within me acknowledges Your worthiness.  I will wake early to praise You.  You are worthy of my songs and praise, but I am not worthy of Your love.  How beautiful that One as wondrous as You could love someone as unworthy as me.  My heart desires You.  My head turns always to You, but my sinful nature pulls me away from gazing upon You.  Always draw me back to You I pray so that I can gaze upon the wonder that You are and stop focusing on the sin and death and attractions of this fallen world.  Draw my eyes to heaven, I pray, that I might see You more clearly.