Revelation 13:1-10: The Beast from the Sea

Revelation 13:1-10: The Beast from the Sea


Principles of Interpretation: There are patterns to Revelation which should be considered when trying to understand it. One pattern is that each new section is introduced by a scene from the temple. There is significance to these introductions. Do not ignore them. They are a key to understanding the section. Another pattern is that the book is written in symbolic language. The King James Version translates verse 1 as “he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:” To signify is to show in signs, i.e., symbols. Those symbols are based in the rest of the Bible, both Old and New Testament. As such, look to the rest of the Bible to interpret Revelation rather than using Revelation to interpret the rest of the Bible. This also means that you need to let the Bible interpret itself rather than attempting to have it fit into today’s headlines. In short, do not treat Revelation as separate from the rest of the Bible. Instead, expect that the events described in Revelation have been presented in other parts of the Bible. A third pattern in Revelation is the idea of judgement. There are courtroom scenes and wrath and complaints about God not bringing justice. In fact, humans are not the only ones under judgment. God Himself is on trial, and the repeated verdict is that God is just, holy, and worthy. From the beginning claim that this is the Revelation of Jesus to the promise in the last chapter that we shall see God’s face, Revelation is an examination of who our Creator is and whether He is worthy of our loyalty.

Disclaimer: There are four basic methodologies used to interpret the book of Revelation in modern society: futurism, historicism, idealism, and preterism. Many modern churches have embraced the idea of the secret rapture, which is a form of futurism. On the other hand, some churches say that Revelation deals solely with events that were happening in the apostolic era. This is called preterism. Other churches teach that Revelation does not describe any specific time period. Instead, the symbols are philosophical and/or spiritual ideas. The series of studies that I am posting is based on historicism, which says that the Bible teaches that Revelation begins with the time of John and describes the interactions of the church with a hostile world throughout history culminating in the final future eradication of sin from the universe. This view denies a secret rapture. I do not want you to be in confusion about the basic premises of this series of lessons. If you disagree with the historicist viewpoint, please study for yourself to be certain that the interpretations that you have been told by others and simply accepted make sense with the whole Bible. As you study, first ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit; then study the verses, and let the Bible interpret itself. Even if you disagree with my comments, you may find the verses and background information that I provide useful. Finally, I want to emphasize that I myself am still studying Revelation and my understanding is deepening each time I open the book and read. Revelation is a distillation of the whole Bible; as such, the limited space of this blog and my limited understanding means that these lessons are not nearly as in-depth as they could (and maybe should) be.

References: See the end of this post for sources and references.

Revelation 13:1-3 

  • The Sea—The meaning of the sea is provided in chapter 17.  Revelation 17:15  (15)  And the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages.
  • A beast—Daniel 7 is parallel to Revelation 13 and provides a lot of answers to the meaning of symbols.  In the case of beasts, we are told that they represent earthly political powers. Daniel 7:17  (17)  ‘These four great beasts are four kings who shall arise out of the earth.
  • Horns—used to fight and conquer.  They are the force and power of countries. 
    • Psalms 75:2-10  (2)  “At the set time that I appoint I will judge with equity.  (3)  When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady its pillars. Selah  (4)  I say to the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’ and to the wicked, ‘Do not lift up your horn; (5)  do not lift up your horn on high, or speak with haughty neck.’”  (6)  For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up, (7)  but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another.  (8)  For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup with foaming wine, well mixed, and he pours out from it, and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to the dregs.  (9)  But I will declare it forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.  (10)  All the horns of the wicked I will cut off, but the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up.
    • Daniel 7:24  (24)  As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and another shall arise after them; he shall be different from the former ones, and shall put down three kings.
    • What do animals do with their horns?  They fight and show dominance over their fellow creatures.  What do the wicked do with their horns?  They fight and show dominance over other people, whether individually or collectively as countries.
  • Who is backing the sea beast?  The dragon
  • The parallel passage in Daniel 7 provides more information about the horns and the beasts.
    • Daniel 7:2-8  (2)  Daniel declared, “I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea.  (3)  And four great beasts came up out of the sea, different from one another.  (4)  The first was like a lion and had eagles’ wings. Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it.  (5)  And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised up on one side. It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and it was told, ‘Arise, devour much flesh.’  (6)  After this I looked, and behold, another, like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it.  (7)  After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.
    • There are similarities between Revelation 13 and Daniel 7. The beast in Revelation 13 is a composite of a leopard with bear’s feet and a lion’s mouth.  These same beasts are separate nations that arise consecutively in history according to Daniel 7.  There was a lion with eagle’s wings, a bear-like beast, and a four-headed leopard with eagle’s wings.
    • In the book of Daniel, the lion is identified as Babylon.  The bear is Medo-Persia, and the leopard is Greece.  The four heads represent of the Greek Empire that Alexander the Great formed, which divided into four Greek kingdoms after his death.  Thus, the Bible gives an interpretation for the heads.  The heads are a division of the original power that still retain aspects of the original political power.
    • In Daniel there are four different kingdoms that arise, but in Revelation, the sea beast is a composite of three of the kingdoms: Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece.  The parallel structure of the two books would indicate that the sea beast of Revelation 13 must in some way be equivalent to the fourth beast of Daniel 7.  The fourth beast was the Roman Empire.  In Revelation, that beast becomes divided into multiple heads (kingdoms) that are still part of the original beast, just as the four Greek kingdoms retained their Greekness even as they separated.

SUMMARY OF REVELATION 13:1-3:  The sea beast is a political power of some kind rising out of a populated area.  While it is one power, it is composed of multiple powers (ten horns and ten crowns).  Also, it is composed of other beasts: the bear, lion, and leopard.  It is multi-headed.  At one time, one of the heads was killed, but it has been resurrected.  Satan backs the power and causes the whole world to follow this power.

Revelation 13:4-10

  • This section is about worship and war, i.e. a cosmic religious conflict.  The passage describes the worship a political power.  Thus, the sea beast has combined both politics and religion into one kingdom/empire.  There will be some who do not worship this beast.  Who does not worship the sea beast?  Verse 8 tells us that “those whose names have been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain” will not worship the beast.  Thus, worshipping the beast is condemned by God.
  • Who is being worshipped by the majority of people?  The dragon and the sea beast
  • How is the beast fighting against God?  The beast speaks haughty and blasphemous words.  Later verses will tell us that there will be captivity and death, but here the emphasis is on the lies coming out of the sea beast’s mouth.  In other words, the sea beast is lying about God and uttering blasphemies.  Blasphemy is when a created being claims to have the power of the Creator.  This power will claim that it has the power of God.
  • Verse 8 speaks of the names being written before the foundation of the world.  There are other texts that speak of this chosen people.
    • Matthew 25:34  (34)  Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
    • Ephesians 1:4-11  (4)  even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love (5)  he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, (6)  to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.  (7)  In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, (8)  which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight (9)  making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ (10)  as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.  (11)  In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will,
    • The Bible makes it clear in multiple passages that God’s choice was for all to be saved.  Thus, He predestined humans to have life; however, He gives us the choice about whether we will follow Him or our own selfish ways.  Revelation is describing a showdown where humanity will be divided into those who worship the beast and those who follow the Lamb.  There will be no more maybe-yes/maybe-no people.  People will choose, and that choice will seal their destiny.

More parallels to Daniel 7: 

  • We see that both of these passages speak of 1260 years, so we know that this is covering the same time period that we previously studied in Revelation 11 and 12.
    • Daniel 7:19-2(19)  “Then I desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from all the rest, exceedingly terrifying, with its teeth of iron and claws of bronze, and which devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet, (20)  and about the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn that came up and before which three of them fell, the horn that had eyes and a mouth that spoke great things, and that seemed greater than its companions.  (21)  As I looked, this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them, (22)  until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given for the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.  (23)  “Thus he said: ‘As for the fourth beast, there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces.  (24)  As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and another shall arise after them; he shall be different from the former ones, and shall put down three kings.  (25)  He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.
  • The power in Daniel 7 and in Revelation 13 both speak words above their stations:  blasphemies/great things.
    • Daniel 7:8  (8)  I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots. And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things.
  • God’s people are persecuted by the power in Daniel 7 and in Revelation 13.
    • Revelation 13:10  (10)  If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
    • Daniel 7:21  (21)  As I looked, this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them,
  • Notice that the sea beast opens his mouth in blasphemy against God, just like the little horn. The beast reigns for 42 months, which is equivalent to 1260 prophetic years, just like the little horn. The beast makes war on the saints, just like the little horn.  Obviously the little horn of Daniel 7 and the beast of Revelation 13 are one and the same power.
  • The Roman Empire ruled from 168 B.C. to 476 A.D.  The ten horns represent the ten kingdoms that arose out of the Roman Empire when it divided in 476 A.D.  The little horn power was to begin its rule sometime after 476 A.D.  The papacy began to reign in 538 A.D. when a decree by Emperor Justinian went into effect which made the pope the head of all the religious powers in the world and gave him political authority. (Unlocking Revelation, #15)
  • “the northern tribes came sweeping down and divided western Europe into ten parts: (1) the Vandals, (2) the Ostrogoths, (3) the Heruli, (4) the Anglo-Saxons, now England, (5) the Lombards, now Italy, (6) the Visigoths, now Spain, (7) the Suevi, now Portugal, (8) the Alemanni, now Germany, (9) the Franks, now France, and (10) the Burgundians, now Switzerland. Seven of these ten horns are still with us today. They developed into fullfledged nations. But three of them are no longer in existence: The Vandals, the Ostrogoths, and the Heruli” (Unlocking Revelation, #15)
  • “The beast receives a deadly wound, just as the little horn was taken out of power in 1798. But the prophecy here in Revelation 13 goes a step further and says the deadly wound is to be healed. The whole world is to follow after the beast and bow in submission to its authority again. The wound suffered by the papacy was largely healed in 1929 when Mussolini signed a concordat with the pope of Rome that restored its property and political status to the papacy. And that wound has been further healed since 1929 as numerous political alliances have been made with the Vatican. The deadly wound inflicted on the papal power in 1798 is, indeed, being healed. The pope of Rome has emerged as a recognized world leader”  (Unlocking Revelation, #15)

SUMMARY—Because of the obvious parallels between Daniel 7 and Revelation 13, we can let the Bible interpret itself using these passages.  What we learn from these two books, as well as the rest of the Bible, is that a political power was to arise out of the populated area where the former empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece had arisen. This power would have several phases of existence from its origin as the pagan Roman Empire to the break-up of the empire into ten smaller kingdoms to the rise of a religious-political power that would rule for 1260 years.  This power would receive a deadly wound at the end of the 1260-year time period, but at some point, the wound would heal, and the sea beast would become an active power again.  At that time, it would have power over the whole world and be worshipped by everyone, except those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life. 

Much of this prophecy has already been fulfilled, including the deadly wound received by the papacy in 1798.  We now live in the stage where that wound is being healed.  The prophecy informs us that in the future, people will once again worship a false Christian political power rather than following Jesus by loving others and serving them.  We need to beware of our human tendencies to  force worship and dominate.  We need to cling to the worship that Jesus described in the Beatitudes of Matthew 5, or we may find that we have chosen to worship a beast from the sea and that our names have been blotted out of the book of life mentioned in this passage.


  • Andrews Study Bible–In some lessons, I refer to study comments from this Bible.
  • God Cares: The Message of Revelation for You and Your Family-A book by C. Mervyn Maxwell that examines how the prophecies of Revelation relate to an individual’s life.
  • Plain Revelation–A book by Ranko Stefanovic that summarizes the meaning of various sections of Revelation
  • Revelation of Jesus Christ–A book by Ranko Stefonovic that comments on each verse of Revelation.
  • Salvation in Signs and Symbols–a series of shows where two pastors and two others study through the books of Revelation and Daniel. These programs can be accessed at . Scroll down to 3ABN Dare to Dream Network and choose Salvation in Signs and Symbols from the list there.
  • Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary (Volume 7) (Copywrite 1957)–This is the old green set of commentaries, not the new commentary series that is in the process of being published and should be released after 2022. (Boy, I would love to get my hands on that set when it comes out!)
  • Table Talk–A series of shows where four pastors discuss various topics. These programs can be accessed at . Season 4 focuses on Revelation.
  • Unlocking Revelation–A series of pamphlets that can be downloaded for free from and clicking on Resources